Saturday, November 23, 2013

Traveling home Nov 23, 2013

A little behind on updates:  we left Victory BC of Fairmont, WV, this morning after a very profitable week of preaching services.  Several folks expressed gratitude for the Holy Spirit's specific work in their lives.  On our way to Nappanee, IN, to drop off our trailer for repairs and then to head HOME to the Bill Rice Ranch for Thanksgiving.  Have a very blessed Thanksgiving, friends! (Ps. 136:1) 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Fairmont, WV

We are at Victory BC with Pastor Bob Barker and are thankful for such a great turnout of folks and excellent response to the preaching, especially on Sunday evening.  This is our second week-long meeting with these folks, and we were thrilled to see faithful members as well as new faces added to the congregation.  One gentleman, who has come several services now, raised his hand concerning salvation but has not sought help.  Please do remember him in prayer.  Looking forward to reporting great things at the end of the week.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Liberty BC, Buckhannon, WV

We are thrilled to have the privilege of meeting and ministering to the people here at Liberty BC.  Pastor Hinkle and his sweet people have been praying for revival, and it is evident that they are eager for The Lord to work in them personally and thru them to reach this community.  We had encouraging services today and are looking forward to reporting what The Lord will do this week.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

West Virgina 2013

It's a beautiful, crisp fall day here in Buckhannon, WV, and we look forward to beginning a week-long meeting at Liberty BC with Pastor John Hinkle.  Anticipating seeing how The Lord will work in these services.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fall 2013 update

Well friends, I love autumn!   The leaves are changing, chances of snow in the forecast (northern states only), and apple cider is flowing fresh.  There are a lot of blessings that showcase God's handiwork.  I suppose, however, nothing showcases His love more than the work He does in the hearts of those that see Him in all things.
We have had a great several months of seeing God work in the hearts and lives of people who are looking for Him.  The venues are pretty varied, but the result is pretty much the same.
    After preaching for an Elementary School retreat at the Bill Rice Ranch, where several children prayed with teachers and staff to receive Christ, we headed to La Salle, IL, to be back with Pastor Wesley Waddle.  We have been to First Baptist Church several times, and it was good to see some familiar faces.  The week went well both in the Church and Christian school.  We are grateful for what God is doing through that ministry.
  After a quick trip back to the Ranch for a second Elementary School retreat, we saw a number of people saved at Prairie Baptist Church in Scotts, MI.  Pastor Harrison and friends were a blessing to us, and we enjoyed being in their company.  Seth was able to enjoy several days in "real school" which he loved.  Pastor has some good help in the ministries of PBC both with staff and lay-people who are very dedicated.
  From Michigan where I was able to go to the Big House to watch the Wolverines play [Go Blue][thanks Dr. Luce]), we made a quick trip to the Bill Rice Ranch for a Jr High retreat.  I enjoyed leading music and just helping out for the retreat.  Jr. Highers are great! Unusual, but great!  A special treat came at the end of the retreat when we had some dear missionary friends stop by to visit.  The Dave McCrum family are wonderful people, and it was good to just catch up, hear how things on the field are going, and solve the world's problems.  We were glad to see them before they head back to Africa.
   Pastor Wayne Hardy in Stillwater, OK, invited us to come preach and sing at Bible Baptist Church for a Sunday.  The fellowship of the Hardy's (all three generations) and of the folks at Bible Baptist was such a blessing to our family.  We were thrilled to see what God is doing in Stillwater through this ministry.  We also got to see some "old" Bill Rice Ranch friends while in Stillwater.
  Back to Michigan we went to preach a 40 year anniversary Sunday at Blissfield Baptist Church, where, by the way, we preached our first revival meeting after going "full-time."  It was good to see a packed house, and it was especially good to see Pastor and Mrs. Frantz as well as all our very special friends at the church.  God has worked through that church, and it was evident in the testimonies given that day.
   After leading music for a great group of ladies at the BRR ladies retreat, we headed to Lagrange, IN, to be with Pastor Jeff Farnham.  Lagrange Baptist Church is not far from a large Amish community.  While Brittany did enjoy doing some shopping, we were especially glad to spend time with Pastor and his family.  The meetings were well attended by the folks, and people responded in the services.  We thank God for those people and their pastor.  Though you may not know him, as The Lord brings it to your mind, please pray for Dr. Farnham as he is writing some books that, I believe, will be important to the church.
  This week, we are finishing a meeting in Kings Mills, OH, at Kings Mills Baptist Church.  In spite of several battling sickness (including Pastor), we have been excited to see people responding to God's Word.  Next week, we will be, Lord willing, with Pastor Bill Duttry in Milford, OH; then we head back to the Ranch for our annual Men's Retreat.  We will then be in West Virginia for a couple meetings before Thanksgiving.
   Which reminds me, don't we have so much for which we can be thankful?  We have traveled more than 5,000 miles this fall thus far and have been blessed with safety and provision all along the way.  We were able to celebrate my dad's 70th birthday with him this year.  The ministry officially hired a secretary to do all the stuff I can't stand doing (thank you, Sharon).  We have a busy schedule and full hearts.  Yep! We have a lot for which to be thankful.  Please thank God with us for His grace and care, and know, of a surety, that we thank our Lord for you.

Partners in Christ's Service,
Tim Thompson, Evangelist - Ps. 18:1

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Spring 2013

April 19, 2013

Dear Friends of TTEM,
As we travel on this Friday afternoon, we are reminded of the Lord’s mercies and kindness towards us in providing salvation through the Lord Jesus, in giving us a purpose in this life and in allowing us to have safe travels as we serve Him in local churches all over this country and abroad.  Since our last letter, we have served churches in FL, GA, NC and even Nassau, Bahamas.  It has truly been a privilege to partner with these churches and to meet many wonderful people along our travels...some new faces and some fondly familiar, and we praise the Lord for both.
As many of you already know, we regularly preach week-long revival services in churches; however, January and February is reserved for partnering with Dr. Bill Rice III and his wife Mary for promoting the deaf ministry of the Bill Rice Ranch, which has allowed deaf young people to come to a week of camp for FREE since its humble beginning in 1953.  Churches in FL and GA were extremely generous to help provide “camperships” in order for the deaf to continue to come free of charge.  At the end of January, we joined the Rices for two weeks of revival meetings, one with Pastor Bruce Stewart at Open Door Baptist Church (Clermont, FL) and the other with Pastor Cranston Knowles and Abundant Life Bible Church in Nassau, Bahamas.  Both meetings were attended well and produced good results for both individuals and homes.  We also enjoyed partnering with the Rices, the Dan Potter family and Community Baptist Church of Bradenton, FL, for a weekend family conference in February.  It seemed to be a very profitable weekend of preaching for revival in the home, and our fellowship with Pastor Jesse Nicholson and family was very refreshing.  We truly enjoyed our FL/GA tour this year.
Since March, we’ve been back in the swing of week-long meetings and are thankful for the Lord working in these meetings.  From Trinity, FL, and Leesburg, GA, to Elizabeth City, NC and now Paducah, KY, we have seen folks come faithfully to the meetings and make excellent decisions.  One specific highlight was the extension of our meeting at New Hope Baptist Church with Pastor Bruce Smith.  The meeting lasted ten days, and folks seemed very encouraged and stirred to see the lost won in their community and to see the Lord do great things in and through their church family.  Praise the Lord for how He has moved in hearts through these meetings.
By the time you receive this letter, Lord-willing, we will have been back to our home, the Bill Rice Ranch, to help with the Day of Champions teen evangelistic outreach and will be in Sterling, AK, for a week-long meeting then a Sunday in Kodiak, AK.  We are excited to see Tim’s sister and family and to minister at Sterling Baptist Church and Lighthouse Baptist Church of Kodiak.  We appreciate your prayers and are so thankful for your partnering with us in this work.  May the Lord richly bless you!

Partners in Christ’s service,

Tim Thompson- Ps. 18:1