Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Adventures to Colorado- August 2014

August has been a whirlwind month for the Thompson family, and since we tend to live more adventurously, it has suited us well. ;-)  The last Bill Rice Ranch Family Week ended on July 31 with a quick cleanup and summer staff departing on the following day, August 1.  We truly had an excellent camp season with a fantastic staff and great results in services.  At this time, I do not remember specific numbers of salvations, assurance of salvation and other decisions, but I do remember the rejoicing that took place in our final summer staff meeting.  We praised the Lord then and still do now for the work that He did in our own lives and the lives of countless campers.

After a final "wrap-up" week of the camp season, we planned to enjoy some rest and relaxation as a family before heading into the fall itinerant schedule, but the Lord had different plans for us.  We received a call in the early hours of Saturday, August 9, from Tim's nephew letting us know that our special needs niece, Abigail, had suddenly passed away during seizures.  Our Lord had decided to take Abby home, and although it was very painful news for all who knew and loved her, His timing, grace and presence could not have been more perfect.  Since we had the time off, we were thrilled to travel to northern Michigan to be with the family and help with Abby's arrangements.  We had sweet times of fellowship in the midst of grieving and now look back on that special time with family with very fond memories.  Praise the Lord for the godly heritage He has given in the Thompson family, and please continue to pray for Jon and Merribeth (our brother and sister-in-law) and their six children (ages 15-23) as they adjust to this new "normal" without their precious Abigail.

We left Michigan on Tuesday, the 19th, and began our trip West towards Colorado.  Making stops in Iowa and Nebraska, we made our way to Evans, CO, to visit Tim's oldest brother, Dave, on Thursday afternoon and then on to Frisco that night.  We enjoyed a brief visit with Dave and our nephew Josh on Thursday and enjoyed our Friday with the Wil Rice family who had been vacationing in Frisco for the last week.  A couple of hikes, a coffee shop and bakery, and some good fellowship with great friends made for a great time in Frisco.  We were off to Gunnison, CO, a three-hour trip, the following morning.

As I currently write from Gunnison, we are enjoying beautiful mountain scenery and crisp fall temperatures.  Homeschooling and other daily routines are taking place, and we are catching up on some much needed rest and recovery from sicknesses.  We are so thrilled to be with former Bill Rice Ranch co-worker and Pastor of First Baptist Church of Gunnison, Jonathan Jones and his family.  The Lord is blessing and using the Joneses here in Gunnison, and we look forward to the Lord doing special things this week in the hearts of the church members.  Services are nightly at 7:00, and we appreciate your prayers for this meeting.  We are asking the Lord to revive our hearts and to give daily opportunities for folks to invite lost to the services so that the lost might hear the Gospel and be saved.   We are also participating in special music and providing a kids club each night.  Thank you for praying with us and for us in these endeavors.

We will begin our trip back to Tennessee on Saturday and greatly appreciate your prayers for safety as we travel toward home.

May the Lord richly bless you for supporting us in prayer.

Brittany Thompson