Tuesday, March 22, 2011

post from Howard, PA

Our revival services at Victory Baptist Church in Elizabeth City, NC, ended well, but we are sorry to report that the White family never trusted Christ during the week; at least, they did not indicate it to anyone.  We are expecting that they will continue to be faithful to the services, and we look forward to receiving a call in the near future that they got this matter settled.  It would seem that they are obviously searching for answers; else, they would not attend services so faithfully.  In conclusion, we had a wonderful week of good decisions and several salvations with our friends at VBC.

We arrived safely to Howard, PA, around 4:30 p.m. on Saturday and enjoyed fellowship with Pastor and Mrs. Bob Maurer.  They are such dear friends and faithful servants, so that it is always a privilege to spend time with them.  They have done a tremendous amount of work in preparation for this week.  Services were scheduled as normal on Sunday with one older lady raising her hand that she needed to trust Christ.  She did not come forward or ask for counsel, but Pastor Maurer indicated that this matter has been a struggle for this lady for whatever reason.  Monday proved to be an exciting and busy day, as Pastor Maurer and Ramola Bible Church hosted their church fellowship monthly Bible Conference.  Services were scheduled for 3 p.m., 4 p.m., and 7 p.m. with a meal in between the last two services.  With approximately 6-8 churches represented in each service, the auditorium was packed and extra seating in the back and front of the auditorium was needed.  Tim preached the first and last services with Pastor John Leatherman of Dry Run, PA, preaching the second.  The Lord seemed to work in a very special way in the last service as Tim preached “God’s Message on Revival” from Hosea 5-6.   Hosea, chapter 6 begins with a plea from Hosea to the children of Israel to “come, and let us return to the Lord…” and that was exactly what we experienced.  Many left their pews and sought the Lord for their spiritual needs.  It was a privilege to be a part of such a special service as one could definitely sense the Holy Spirit’s presence and working.  Tuesday and Thursday nights are “Friend Night” in which church members have been encouraged to invite unsaved friends, co-workers, etc., and Friday night will begin with 40-45 minutes of congregational singing.  We look forward to posting more about the services at Ramola Bible Church in Howard, PA, later on in the week.

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