Unfortunately, we are, once again, way behind on updates but hope to be better in the future. There seems to be a pattern that when we find out we're expecting a baby, the updates drop off the priority list--definitely not on purpose, but the main blogger (a.k.a-Brittany) all of a sudden has a new little "priority" vying for her attention. The Lord has been so good to keep us safe in travels, give us a nice time over the Christmas holidays with family and now, we are staring into the face of March. Where is the time going?!
We were thrilled to find out this past September that we have another little one on the way! Time has been flying by in this pregnancy, and we look forward to meeting our little man some time within the next 9 weeks or so (due date is May 15, but we expect to meet him earlier)! Travels and pregnancy are mixing well at this point, but as I'm 29 weeks along this coming Friday, we would appreciate your prayers for continued safety for the baby and me in this last trimester, especially since we have non-stop meetings until my 37th week.
The last couple of months have consisted of our 10th annual"Florida trip" with Dr. Bill and Mary Rice. We always enjoy our time with them, and services have been profitable in ministering to church folks, seeing several souls saved and raising awareness/funds for the "campership fund" which allows deaf young people ages 8-19 to continue to come to the Bill Rice Ranch free of charge as they have since Day 1. If you would have any interest in sponsoring a deaf child's life-changing week to camp, visit the Bill Rice Ranch website for more information.
We head back to the Bill Rice Ranch this coming Monday after our last service in FL with the Rices at Community Baptist Church (Bradenton, FL). Tim and I leave our boys with family and fly out Thursday to Lubbock, TX, to participate in a Bill Rice Ranch Conference on Marriage and the Home hosted at Bethany Baptist Church with both Wil Rice and family and Dr. Bill and Mary. After arriving home the following Monday, we will set out at the end of that week for weeks of revival meetings in MI, WI, IA and GA. We do not take for granted your thoughts and prayers as we travel many miles in likely inclement weather and minister in these churches along the way.
May the Lord bless you, and we will be in touch in the near future!
Partners in Christ's service,
Tim and Brittany Thompson
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