Saturday, October 17, 2015

They Came with Expectancy...

 We are enjoying a beautiful, crisp Saturday morning as we trek from Denver, Pennsylvania, to Turner, Maine.    The fall color change has not disappointed, as we crest the rolling hills of New England and enjoy breathtaking crimsons, yellows and brilliant orange hues along our trip.  We praise the Lord for a fantastic week at Mount Zion Baptist church!  Our fellowship with Pastor Keith Sweitzer and the people of the church was such a blessing. Members arrived each night, bringing along many visitors with them.  It was obvious that the Lord met specific needs and stirred the hearts of the people to a closer walk with Him.    One of the highlights of the week, besides the great nightly attendance and enthusiastic spirit of the people, was meeting two men who are both currently pursuing evangelism and full-time preaching ministry.  We look forward to hearing how the Lord directs them and their families in service to Him.

We begin a Sunday thru Wednesday meeting with Pastor Paul Swihart and our friends at the East Hebron Baptist Church tomorrow. Thank you in advance for praying for our family that we would have improved health (from nasty colds) and a renewed passion to see souls saved and Christians stirred in south-central Maine.


Tim and Brittany

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing to have you at our church! God was glorified through music and preaching! May God (and I know He will) bless you on your travels.
